It's January and if you are like millions of other Americans, your number one New Years Resolution is probably to lose weight and gain healthier eating habits.
Both Jenny Craig and Weight Watchers have rolled out their new and improved programs with a constant stream of television ads. Weight Watchers lures in new customers with its fresh Momentum(TM) program, while Jenny is continuing to use the spokes model approach. If a beloved actress can follow the program and get into her skinny jeans, then you'll be inspired to join also.
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Valerie Bertinelli, who is 47 years old, is the new face of Jenny Craig. She's gone public with her weight loss and so far has lost over 40 pounds. Congratulations Val! We loved you at a size 14 and we love you now.
Jenny Craig, Weight Watchers, and similar diet programs all offer value. Up to a point. But as the disclaimer states, even Valerie's *results are not typical. Another major concern that many weight loss participants also face is summed up in a recent comment by Valerie. On the healthyhollywood website, Valerie states that she doesn't envision a day when she will ever stop dieting. It's reported that she, "told someone the other day that even when I am not their spokesperson anymore - which I hope never happens - I'm going to stay on Jenny Craig forever."
To me, the idea that people believe they will never be able to transcend the weight loss battle is disheartening.
Losing weight can be the most important journey of your life. It's an adventure that puts your personal needs up front and center. It gets you motivated to do something just for yourself. And it gets your life moving forward in a whole new direction.
But ending up having to remain in control of food, in control of your body, and in control of your weight isn't exactly freeing. With all that energy tied up in control, there often isn't enough energy left to enjoy life and to begin creating new experiences.
If you are in the process of losing weight this year, no matter how you do it or what program you join, keep in mind the valuable reasons beneath your weight loss goals. There's more to weight loss than ending up with a life that revolves around calorie counting, dieting, rules and restrictions, or obsessive thoughts about controlling food.
Your weight loss journey is special and it can be the adventure that changes your life forever. Use every step of your weight loss journey to build your life as a self-loving, self-ruling person. Allow each food experience to help you call a truce with the battles of food and weight.
The next time you're getting ready to eat something, share the love that you are with your actions of eating and digesting. Imagine living a life where food is not the enemy, but instead something that is enjoyed. Eat and enjoy food - and enjoy what life has to offer!
Bon Appétit!
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